
DACE-DL gathers a team of established and early career researchers with multicultural backgrounds from the following three multidisciplinary institutes.

  • LIRMM-UM – Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics, and Microelectronics of Montpellier – University of Montpellier: UM is a research-intensive university covering multiple scientific and technological fields with recognized expertise in medicine and agriculture. LIRMM is a cross-faculty research entity of UM & CNRS with expertise in knowledge engineering, Web and text mining, data linking and ontologies with strong involvement in international projects (e.g., H2020 GloPack, H2020 NoAW, COST FoodMC). The DACE-DL team has been (co-)leading several knowledge engineering/AI/data science ANR projects: DataLift, SIFR, PractiKPharma, DOREMUS, D2KAB, AI4Sci.
    Researchers: Konstatin Todorov, Pierre Larmande,François Scharffe, Ensiyeh Raoufi
  • IRIT-UT2J – Laboratory in Computer Science of Toulouse: IRIT is one of the main French research centres in Computer Science supervised by 5 academic institutions: CNRS, INP, and the 3 universities in Toulouse. Research at IRIT covers most of the issues and domains in Computer and Information Science, from system design, security, formal checking, software engineering to networks, computer vision, image analysis, multimedia management, human-system interaction, data science, machine learning and AI. IRIT is recognized for its expertise on ontology alignment and evaluation.
    Researchers: Cassia Trojahn, Chloé Khadija Jradeh
  • MISTEA-INRAE – Mathématiques, Informatique et Statistique pour l'Environnement et l'Agronomie: INRAE is the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. MISTEA activities concern the development of mathematical, statistical and computer science methods dedicated to analysis and decision support for agronomy and environment. The lab knowledge engineering expertise has been acknowledged by the recent participation in several H2020 projects such as EPPN, AGINFRA+, Big Data Grapes or the national/european research infrastructure for phenotyping PHENOME/EMPHASIS. The lab is also involved in the development of recognized platforms such as OpenSILEX/PHIS (phenomics data management) and AgroPortal (agri-food ontologies).
    Researchers: Clement Jonquet, Danai Symeonidou, Bill Gates Happi Happi, Raphaël Conde Salazar
Some members of the DACE-DL team